Here is part of the letter Ms.MS wants to get to Rob -
I recently received the signed New Moon book that you autographed for me in NYC while you were filming Remember Me. The wonderful ladies at the Morgan Stanley Childrens Hospital Fund especially Ms Chris and one of her friends spent alot of their own personal time and effort in getting this for me after contacting Ms C from Remember Me. I will always be truly grateful to them for this gift.
I can’t thank you enough for taking the time out of your busy life and schedule to sign this for me. It means more to me than you will ever truly know.
I am not sure how much you were told of me, but my name is Ms. MS and I am nearly 24 years old. I have a very rare lung disorder that causes my lungs to collapse at times witout any notice, and from the damage done to my lungs it has left me on oxygen nearly 24 hours a day. I can only take it off about 1 hour a day and a large percentage of my time is spent in a wheelchair as I can only walk short distances. They tell me my only other option is a lung transplant, scary right? This is a decision that I will have to make at some point but they tell me it will only give me an extra 5 – 7 years and well I just dont know. Anyway these are the breaks that life sometimes gives you.
...After tons of tweets, and work by many fan sites, finally Peter Facinelli was reached and he responded to everyone’s request in helping Ms.MS. Check out a tweet from Peter Facinelli stating that he will make sure Rob gets the letter – after the break!
Read more HERE
-By Jen
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